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ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â's University has direct transfer agreements with 27 community colleges within the state of Washington. Students who receive their associate of arts or associate of arts and sciences degree from these community colleges will transfer to ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â's with approximately 60-64 semester credits and all General Education requirements fulfilled with the exception of two classes, COR340W Ethics and COR110 Religious Studies, which must be taken at ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â.

Transferable credits

Graduates of community colleges with a direct transfer associate degree obtained after 1990 will be admitted with junior standing and will have satisfied ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â's general education program requirements with the exception of two classes, COR340W Ethics and COR110 Religious Studies.

Transfer credits not included in a direct transfer associate degree will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis, and credits will be applied to academic major requirements according to established guidelines and policies. View currently , this table will be updated as new courses are evaluated.

A maximum of 90 semester hours (135 quarter hours) will be accepted toward fulfillment of requirements for a baccalaureate degree. Transfer credits from a two-year accredited college may not exceed 60 semester hours (90 quarter hours). No more than 30 semester hours (45 quarter hours) earned by extension, online or correspondence will be accepted. Of these, no more than six semester hours (nine quarter hours) may be taken by correspondence. Credits earned more than nine years ago will be reviewed to determine transferability.


Making sure your credits transfer is an important part of your admissions process. Ensure your credits transfer as expected.

Contact your transfer counselor

Additional information

Direct Transfer Associate Degree

The Direct Transfer Associate Degree granted by Washington community colleges meets the general requirements of ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â's University with the exception of two courses: philosophy and religious studies.

ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â's University also recognizes Associate of Arts degrees from regionally-accredited institutions in the following states, and will treat these degrees as equivalent to the Washington Associate degree, provided they are completed prior to matriculation at ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â's University:

Arizona: Associate of Arts with the Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC-A) track;

California: Associate of Arts with the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) track;

Oregon: Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer Degree (AA/OT).

Students with Associate of Arts degrees from other regionally accredited institutions may request, at the time of admission, to have their degrees evaluated for the same recognition.

Students who transfer to ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â's with any of these degrees need to take one course each in philosophy and religious studies. Transfer students sometimes complete the philosophy course at their community college and transfer the credits in. The religious studies course generally is taken at ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â's University after enrollment.

Running Start students

Washington State students who have taken Running Start classes apply to ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â’s as first-year applicants. This also applies to students from other states with similar dual-enrollment or "college in the high school" programs.

To receive credit for college level work, students must submit transcripts from the college or university where they completed the courses. Your running start work will be evaluated for transferability and you’ll receive full-credit for the college-level work you’ve completed under ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â’s general transfer of credit policies.

AP{ Credit

AP Course AP Score Transfer Course Credits Earned
Art History 3 or better COR 240A 3
Art: 2D 3 or better COR 240A 3
Art: 3D 3 or better COR 240A 3
Art: Drawing 3 or better ART 295 3
Biology 3 or better BIO 141 4
Calculus BC 4 or 5 MTH 171/MTH 172 8
Calculus BC 3 MTH 171 4
Calculus AB 4 or 5 MTH 171 4
Chemistry 3 CHM 141 4
Chemistry 3 and 1 yr AP Chem CHM 141L 1
Chemistry 4 or 5 CHM 141/CHM 142 8
Chemistry 4 or 5 and 1 yr AP Chem CHM 141L/CHM 142L 10
Chinese 3 or better COR 140C 4
Comp. Politics 3 or better COR 250P 3
Computer Science A 3 or better CSC180 3
Computer Science Principles 4 or 5 CSC101 3
Eng. Lit/Comp 3 or better ENG Elective LD 6
Enviro. Science 3 or better BIO110 4
European History 4 or 5 COR 250H 3
French 3 or better COR 140F 4
Geography 3 or better COR 250P 3
German 3 or better COR 140 4
Italian 3 or better COR 140 4
Japanese 3 or better COR 140 4
Latin 3 or better COR 140 4
Macroecon. 3 or better ECN 202 or COR 220E 3
Microecon. 3 or better ECN 201 3
Music Theory 3 or better MUS 108 3
Physics 1 3 or better PHY 141 4
Physics 2 3 or better PHY 142 4
Physics C: Elec 3 or better PHY172 4
Physics C: Mechanics 3 or better PHY171 4
Psychology 3 or better PSY 101 or COR 220P 3
Spanish Lang. 3 or better COR 140S 4
Spanish Lit. 3 or better COR 140S 4
Statistics 3 or better MTH 201 3
US History 4 or 5 COR 250U 4
US Politics 3 or better PLS 151 or COR 250P 3
World History 4 or 5 COR 250H 3

IB Credit

ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â awards university course credit for IB exams on which students achieve a score of 5 or higher, on both Standard Level and Higher Level exams.

Students who earn the IB Diploma will be awarded up to 30 credits of university-level work at ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â's University. The IB Diploma can meet the following Core requirements if the Diploma student achieves a score of 5 or higher on the individual exams for each respective area:

  • ENG 101 (3 credits)
  • World Language (3 credits for Standard Level, 6 credits for Higher Level)
  • History or Social & Behavioral Foundations (3-6 credits, depending on the courses)
  • Science with lab (4 credits)
  • MTH 110 (3 credits)
  • Fine Arts (3 credits)

IB Diploma students will also earn additional credits, either as specific SMU courses (see Table below) or lower division elective credits, depending on the total diploma score.

  • 24 points = 24 total credits
  • 25 points = 25 total credits
  • 26 points = 26 total credits
  • 27 points = 27 total credits
  • 28 points = 28 total credits
  • 29 points = 29 total credits
  • 30 points or more = 30 total credits

Students who complete IB coursework but not the Diploma will also receive university credit for IB exams, both Standard Level (SL) and Higher Level (HL), on which they earn a 5 or higher. Specific ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â's University courses correspond to the IB exams, as shown in the Table below. Other IB exams will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

IB Exam Transfer Course Credits Earned
Art (visual) ART 205 (Core fine arts) 3
Biology Core science w/ lab 4
Chemistry- SL CHM 141/141L 5
Chemistry- HL CHM 141/141L and CHM 142/142L 10
Classical Languages Core 1 year World Language 6
Computer Science CSC 101 3
Dance Core fine arts 3
Economics Core social and behavioral foundations 3
English Language and Lit ENG 101 3
Film Core fine arts 3
French Language and Lit- SL FRN 101 3
French Language and Lit- HL FRN 101 and FRN 102 6
German Language and Lit- HL Core 1 year World Language 6
Geography GPH 210 3
Global Politics PLS 152 3
History, world Core non-U.S. history 3
Mathematics* MTH 110 3
Music Core fine arts 3
Physics Core science w/ lab 4
Psychology PSY 101 3
Spanish Language and Lit- SL SPN 101 3
Spanish Language and Lit- HL SPN 101 and SPN 102 6
Sports, exercise, and health science Core science w/ lab 4
Theater Core fine arts 3

*Students needing a specific math course for the major will need to take the math placement test and be placed into the appropriate course.


ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â's participates in transfer agreements with the following community colleges:

Bellevue Community College
Associate in Arts and Sciences
Associate in Business
Associate in Elementary Education
Associate in Math Education

Big Bend Community College
Associate in Arts and Sciences
Associate in Business
Associate in Elementary Education

Cascadia Community College
Associate in Business
Associate in Integrated Studies
Associate in Elementary Education

Centralia College
Associate in Arts

Clark Community College
Associate in Arts

Columbia Basin Community College
Associate in Arts
Associate in Math Education
Associate in Elementary Education
Associate in Business

Edmonds Community College
Associate in Arts and Sciences, Option I

Everett Community College
Associate in Arts and Sciences, Option II
Associate in Business

Grays Harbor College
Associate in Arts
Associate in Business

Green River Community College
Associate in Arts
Associate in Business
Associate in Math Education

Highline Community College
Associate of Arts, Option A
Associate of Business

Lower Columbia College
Associate in Arts

North Seattle Community College
Associate of Arts
Associate of Business

Olympic College
Associate in Arts

Peninsula College
Associate of Arts
Associate of Arts Honors
Associate in Business
Associate in Elementary Education
Associate in Math Education

Pierce College
Associate in Arts
Associate in Business
Associate in Math Education

Seattle Central Community College
Associate of Arts
Associate of Science
Associate in Elementary Education
Associate in Math Education

Shoreline Community College
Associate in Arts and Sciences, Option A
Associate in Business

Skagit Valley College
Associate in Arts, University and College Transfer
Associate in Business

South Puget Sound Community College
Associate in Arts
Associate in Elementary Education
Associate in Business

South Seattle Community College
Associate of Arts

Spokane Community College
Associate in Arts
Associate in Business
Associate in Elementary Education
Associate in Math Education

Spokane Falls Community College
Associate of Arts
Associate in Business
Associate in Elementary Education
Associate in Math Education

Tacoma Community College
Associate in Arts and Sciences, Option A

Walla Walla Community College
Associate in Arts

Wenatchee Valley Community College
Associate in Arts and Sciences

Whatcom Community College
Associate in Arts and Sciences

Yakima Valley College
Associate in Arts

Questions? Reach out to our office.