Private educational loans are available to students who need additional financial assistance beyond aid that is offered through the federal student aid program. These loans allow students to borrow up to their total cost of education less any financial aid they have been awarded. We encourage student to exhaust all of the federal direct student loan options before pursuing private loans because they tend to offer better loan terms, more repayment options, and, in some cases, loan forgiveness.


Private educational loans are credit based; their terms and conditions vary between lenders. Interest rates are variable and the interest will accrue on the loan while the student is enrolled in school. Generally, repayment of the loan can be deferred until the student leaves school or drops below half-time enrollment.

We recommend that students begin to apply approximately a month and a half before the start of the term to ensure the loan funds can be applied to the student's account by the tuition payment deadline.

Private educational loans can only be certified for an amount that does not exceed the student's total cost of attendance (total cost of: tuition, fees, room & board, books, travel, and miscellaneous).

We encourage students to contact the Student Financial Services Center if they are unsure of how much they are eligible to borrow.

How to apply

To begin, identify a private lender using FASTChoice. This site provides students with a resource to compare interest rates, fees, and other loan incentives between lenders.

Please note: Student Financial Services will certify a private educational loan from any lender, regardless if their lender is featured on the FASTChoice site.

Credit balance refunds

Credit balances on the student's account -- for those who apply for loan amounts in excess of the total amount due to ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â's University -- will be refunded to the student.

Questions? Contact our office.

Student Financial Services

Endorsing the Catholic Benedictine values of faith, reason, service, and community, the Student Financial Services Center supports the mission of ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â's University to empower students in their pursuit of learning and honors their sacredness as individuals as well as their families and our community in an efficient and caring professional manner. Student Financial Services handles tuition/fees and room/board billing and payments, payment plan information, student health insurance and sponsored billing for students using outside sources such as VA benefits, Tuition Assistance, International Sponsors and other sponsoring agencies.