Rico Picone, Ph.D.

Rico Picone headshot

Director, MSME program

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

"My classes are about more than learning how to analyze physical processes. They explore ways of controlling these processes to create something new, something of functional beauty."

Areas of Expertise

  • Control systems and robotics
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Real-time computing


Ph.D., University of Washington
M.S.M.E., University of Washington
B.S.M.E., University of Nevada, Las Vegas


Dr. Picone teaches in the fields of mechatronics, including dynamical modeling, control systems, and robotics. His research includes the enhancement of magnetic resonance technologies, especially magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM), through hyperpolarization. Much of his previous work has been in nonlinear dynamical modeling of systems of magnetization. Additional research interests include augmented human intelligence through computing systems and the philosophy of engineering, with emphasis on the relation between humanity (individually and collectively) and technology. Dr. Picone received his PhD in mechanical engineering at the University of Washington in 2014.