Acceptable use policy

ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â's University provides numerous resources for the University community to support its educational mission. The use of these resources must be consistent with the goals of the University. As a member of the ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â community, all users are expected to act responsibly and follow all applicable guidelines, policies, and procedures when utilizing campus property or resources.

The University's Integrated Technology Acceptable Use Policy includes the following guidelines that apply to all University community members and guests, including members of the Abbey, faculty, students, and staff:

  1. Sending abusive or unwanted material causing the work or university experience of others to be disrupted is a violation of University policies, may violate the law, and is unacceptable. Targeting a person, group, or organization to cause distress, injury, unwanted attention, or discomfort is harassment and will not be tolerated. 
  2. Participating in peer-to-peer file sharing, such as BitTorrent, is prohibited while on or using university property. Abusing network resources to obtain or distribute content can create major liability issues for the university and user. ÁùºÏ²Ê¿â’s is an active supporter of academic freedoms and technologies encouraging collaboration, however, the University is obligated by federal law to vigorously pursue copyright infringement claims. Infringing users will be contacted by the Office of Housing and Residential Life for disciplinary action, and risk losing network privileges.
  3. Using another’s account, making a password or access code available to others, or otherwise evading or disabling security restrictions threatens the work, privacy, and well-being of others, and is grounds for immediate disciplinary action and indefinite suspension of access privileges. 
  4. Distribution of improper advertising or soliciting, chain letters, hoax emails, and pyramid schemes will not be tolerated except when permitted by non-conflicting law in designated areas.
  5. Posting or transmitting offensive or explicit content, or any content deemed offensive and inappropriate for academic use, is prohibited. Viewing or transmitting sexually explicit material may also violate university sexual harassment policies. 
  6. Unauthorized software installation and/or system modification is prohibited. Software installations and system modifications may only be done by authorized personnel. Such restrictions are designed to ensure system integrity. 
  7. Violation of copyright laws will not be tolerated. 
  8. Communicating using a false name, or using of a name without authorization, is prohibited and constitutes fraud.

Issues concerning these guidelines, allegations of harassment, or other misuse of information technology resources should be brought to the attention of Integrated Technology Services (ITS) as soon as possible. ITS is located on the main level of the O’Grady Library, and can be reached at 688-2222 or