Sex offender registry

While incarceration may remove a sex offender from the streets, it does nothing to prevent the offender from committing another crime when released.

The federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, enacted Oct. 28, 2000, effective Oct. 28, 2002, requires institutions of higher education to issue statements advising the campus community where law enforcement agency information provided by a State about registered sex offenders may be obtained. A sex offender already required to register under state law must also register with the state the name of each institution of higher education at which the person is employed, carries on a vocation, or is a student.

Washington state convicted sex offenders must register in accordance with: RCW 9A.44.130 Registration of sex offenders and kidnapping offenders--procedures--definition--penalties.
(1) Any adult or juvenile residing whether or not the person has a fixed residence, or who is a student, is employed, or carries on a vocation in this state who has been found to have committed or has been convicted of any sex offense or kidnapping offense, or who has been found not guilty by reason of insanity under chapter 10.77 RCW of committing any sex offense or kidnapping offense, shall register with the county sheriff for the county of the person's residence, or if the person is not a resident of Washington, the county of the person's school, or place of employment or vocation, or as otherwise specified in this section. Where a person required to register under this section is in custody of the state department of corrections, the state department of social and health services, a local division of youth services, or a local jail or juvenile detention facility as a result of a sex offense or kidnapping offense, the person shall also register at the time of release from custody with an official designated by the agency that has jurisdiction over the person. In addition, any such adult or juvenile who is admitted to a public or private institution of higher education shall, within ten days of enrolling or by the first business day after arriving at the institution, whichever is earlier, notify the sheriff for the county of the person's residence of the person's intent to attend the institution. Persons required to register under this section who are enrolled in a public or private institution of higher education on June 11, 1998, must notify the county sheriff immediately. The sheriff shall notify the institution's department of public safety and shall provide that department with the same information provided to a county sheriff under subsection (3) of this section.

(2) This section may not be construed to confer any powers pursuant to RCW 4.24.500 upon the public safety department of any public or private institution of higher education.

(3)(a) The person shall provide the following information when registering:  (i) Name; (ii) address; (iii) date and place of birth; (iv) place of employment; (v) crime for which convicted; (vi) date and place of conviction; (vii) aliases used; (viii) social security number; (ix) photograph; and (x) fingerprints.
(b) Any person who lacks a fixed residence shall provide the following information when registering:  (i) Name; (ii) date and place of birth; (iii) place of employment; (iv) crime for which convicted; (v) date and place of conviction; (vi) aliases used; (vii) social security number; (viii) photograph; (ix) fingerprints; and (x) where he or she plans to stay.

For information about sex offenders in any county in the state of Washington, please contact the appropriate sheriff's department. 

For information about registered sex offenders living in or attending college in Thurston County, contact: the Thurston County Sheriff's Department, Sex Offender Registration, 2000 Lakeridge DR. SW, Olympia, WA  98502, 360-754-2894. 

Sex offender registration information may also be obtained at the .