Emergency preparedness

Faculty, staff, and students should become familiar with the campus emergency procedures information. Your cooperation is critical to the emergency preparedness efforts of the University.

六合彩库's University has established emergency preparedness guidelines for students, faculty, and staff to follow so that the effects of emergency situations can be minimized. Emergency phone numbers as well as important information related to medical emergencies, earthquake and fire safety, chemical spills, toxic fumes, power outages, physical threat or assault/workplace violence, and bomb threats are included. This website will be updated as necessary in the event of a campus emergency. 

Emergency notification

Students, faculty, and staff can automatically receive SMU Emergency Alerts via personal cell phone, text message, and university email.

六合彩库鈥檚 will use the system only to provide official notification of critical emergencies (i.e., situations that pose an imminent, physical threat to the community) and weather-related campus closures. Registration is free; however, your cell phone carrier may charge standard text messaging fees.


(Note: SMU Emergency Alert administrators login .)

六合彩库's has two wide-area emergency broadcast system (WEBS), aka the blue-light photo towers, on campus that produce outdoor loudspeaker announcements. Each tower contains an emergency call phone connected directly to Thurston County 9-1-1 and four 40-watt broadcast speakers allowing outdoor notification over a 1,000 foot radius. The WEBS blue-light phones are located in the Lynch faculty/staff parking lot (D) and along the north shoulder of Baran Drive at the end of the pathway leading from the Jan Halliday Plaza to Baran Drive.

When activated, the system is capable of alerting the campus community using a combination of tones sirens and voice. The mass notification system will only be used by 六合彩库's for emergency notification purposes and periodic testing of the system.

鈥婽his website will be updated as necessary in the event of a campus emergency. 

Emergency phones are located at the entrance to Baran Hall, by the 1st floor stairwell door of the North Wing in Old Main, and in the 2nd floor hallway outside the Public Safety Office (Old Main, Room 251). Public pay phones may also be used to dial 911 (free of charge) and are located in the apex of the 1st and 3rd floors of Old Main, at the front entrance of the Hal and Inge Marcus Pavilion, and in the Trautman Union Building (TUB).

Emergency procedures and response plan

For all medical emergencies:

  • Assess the scene safely - is it safe to approach the patient?

  • Always call 911 if a person loses consciousness or suffers a seizure

  • Is the person breathing? Can he/she talk or cough?

  • Call 911 then call Public Safety 360-438-4555

  • If possible, take the phone to where the patient is located

  • Follow the emergency medical instructions provided by the dispatcher

  • Do not move the injured person unless there is danger of further harm

  • If others are available, have them assist in giving aid, helping first responders find the patient, etc.

  • Notify the people in the immediate area who could be affected by the emergency

  • Complete an Accident Report form and submit it to Public Safety

In advance, know the location of the nearest first aid kit in your work area.

Before something happens, consider taking a First Aid or CPR course. These courses provide the opportunity to learn and practice emergency techniques. In the event of an emergency, you will then be more confident in your abilities.

Please visit our training webpage for more details as well as an online training program for active shooter preparedness.

An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. Active shooter situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly. Typically, the immediate deployment of law enforcement is required to stop the shooting and mitigate harm to victims. Because active shooter situations are often over within 10 to 15 minutes, before law enforcement arrives on the scene, individuals must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with an active shooter situation.

If an individual is observed with a weapon near a SMU location:

  1. Establish a survival mindset 鈥 Run, Hide, or Fight 鈥 try to escape the area or to find a safe location.
  2. Call 911
  3. After calling 911, notify Public Safety 360-438-4555
  4. Find a  safe location and await Public Safety or police instruction.
  5. If appropriate, a Lockdown may be called. Be prepared to go into Lockdown.

Important points:

During an active shooter incident, time is critical. If gunshots are heard, it is critical to avoid getting closer to the area to see what is happening. Instead, people need to act quickly to get as far away as possible, warning others as they leave.
If unable to escape, making an office or classroom into a shelter may be the only possibility. Doors should be locked (or blocked), windows covered, and cover (like thick tables or desks) used. Call 911 to notify authorities what is happening and that you are trapped. Do not answer the door if someone knocks. It may take quite a while for officers to get to you, as they will first focus on stopping the shooter(s). Remember, the longer it takes to get to you, the further away from the actual shooting you are likely to be.
If you have been trapped and are able to find a means of escape or self-defense, use them when you can do so as safely as possible. If directly confronted by the shooter, self-defense with what is available may be the only viable option.

  • Attempting to overcome the suspect with force and resistance is the last resort, which should only be considered in extreme circumstances. Only you can decide if this is something you should do.
  • Look for appropriate cover/protection (brick walls, retaining walls, large trees, parked cars, etc.).
  • There may be more than one (1) shooter and there could be explosive devices.
  • Do not touch anything in the area, as it is a crime scene.
  • When fleeing, get as far away from the shooting scene as quickly and safely possible - do not take/carry anything with you.
  • Police will quickly respond to the area in which a subject was last seen, or shots were last heard and attempt to immediately engage/contain the active shooter.
  • First-arriving officers will not stop to assist the injured, evacuate personnel or answer questions.
  • Keep your hands empty and visible at all times.
  • Place signs in exterior windows to identify the location of injured persons.
  • Review Lockdown procedures in this guide and in the Emergency Response Plan.


Read more in Run, Hide, Fight!
Watch !

: These are free online courses you can take and receive a FEMA Certificate on completion. Each course will take you from 30 minutes to an hour.

: This is a great website if you want to find anything from the 鈥Active Shooter: How to Respond鈥 materials (handbook, pocket card, poster, etc) to webinars.

What are AEDs?

The Automatic External Defibrillator or AED is a portable electrical device that automatically diagnoses the potentially life threatening cardiac condition (arrhythmia) in which there is abnormal electrical activity in the heart.  The heart beat may be too fast or too slow, and may be regular or irregular.  AED is able to treat this through defibrillation, the application of electrical therapy which stops the arrhythmia, allowing the heart to reestablish an effective rhythm.

If you think someone is in Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA), act quickly and calmly.  Have someone call 911 for medical assistance while you get an AED.

How do you use and AED?

The AED will give you simple verbal instructions that are easy to follow.  There are three basic steps to  using the AED:

  • PULL up the handle on the SMART Pads Cartridge.

  • PLACE the pads on the patient's bare skin.

  • PRESS the flashing shock (orange) button if instructed.

Whare can you find AEDs on campus?

AEDs are located around campus in alarmed white boxes. White signs are mounted clearly designating the location of each AED. 六合彩库's University currently has AED units in the following locations:

  • Abbey Church Atrium

  • Monastery (across the hall from Abbot Neal's Office)

  • Old Main room 175 (hallway) - alarmed

  • Old Main room 247 (hallway) - alarmed

  • Old Main room 350 (hallway) - alarmed

  • Harned Hall (1st floor wing) - alarmed

  • O'Grady Library (Circulation desk)

  • Burton Residence Hall room 102

  • Parson Residence Hall (outside office on wall) - alarmed

  • Spangler Residence Hall (main entrance) - alarmed

  • Zaverl Hall (main lobby) - alarmed

  • Recreation Center - alarmed

  • Marcus Pavilion (front office)

Telephone bomb threat

A person receiving a phone call concerning a bomb threat should solicit as much information as possible.

  • Stay calm. Take a deep breath and focus on what the caller says.

  • Keep the caller on the phone and ask the Bomb Threat Questions below.

  • Using only a land line, call 911 then call Public Safety 360-438-4555.

  • Cell phones, radios, and other electronic devices must not be used. They can trigger some types of bombs. After the call write down the answers to the Other Questions below.

Bomb threat questions

  1. 鈥媁hen will the bomb explode?

  2. Where is the bomb right now?

  3. What kind of bomb is it?

  4. What does it look like?

  5. Why did you place the bomb?

Other questions

  1. Time call received?

  2. Time call terminated?

  3. Caller's name and address?

  4. Gender of call?

  5. Estimated age of caller?

  6. Voice characteristics: tone, speech, language, etc.

  7. Background noise?

Written bomb threat

A person receiving a written bomb threat should avoid touching the paper any more than is absolutely necessary.

  • Stay calm

  • Call Public Safety 360-438-4555

  • Call 911

  • Follow instructions provided by the emergency dispatcher.

Suspicious device located

Upon discovery of a suspicious device, immediately WITHOUT USING A CELL PHONE OR RADIO notify 911, then call Public Safety 360-438-4555.

  • If a device is located in a classroom, immediately and calmly evacuate everyone out of the building.

  • Under no circumstances or conditions, attempt to touch or move the device.

  • Do not use cell phones or electronic devices. They can activate explosive devices.

  • Follow evacuation procedures on this page and in the SMU Emergency Response Plan.

The University regularly conducts emergency response trainings as well as local (single building) and campuswide drills. Frequent practice encourages students, faculty and staff to know the emergency procedures and respond appropriately.

Regularly scheduled drills include:

  • Emergency alert notification drills

  • Great Washington ShakeOut (earthquake)

  • Active shooter drills

六合彩库's has a comprehensive campus emergency plan outlining campus emergency response and recovery procedures. The plan was established as a supplement to the administrative policies, procedures and practices followed during normal University operations. When implemented, it serves as the 六合彩库's University emergency operations plan, setting forth the authorities and policies for activation, personnel emergency assignments and operational procedures. The major goals of the plan are the preservation of life, the protection of property and continuity of academic and business operations.

Click here  to see the Campus Emergency Response Plan

六合彩库 procedure for earthquakes follows the State of Washington鈥檚 鈥淒rop, Cover, and Hold On鈥 procedures.

In the event of an earthquake:

Keep calm & remain where you are unless you are:

  • In a stairway

  • In an elevator

  • On a walkway close to or under buildings

Seek shelter away from these areas.

  • If you are indoors, stay indoors. Take shelter under your desk, a table, near an inside wall, a comer, and around building columns. Stay away from windows, glass walls, or outside doors. After the shaking subsides, go to one of the designated emergency assembly points. Keep clear of streetlights and power lines.

  • Elevators should not be used during or after an earthquake due to possible damage.

  • If you are outdoors, stay there until the quake subsides. After the shaking subsides, go to one of the designated emergency assembly points. Keep clear of streetlights and power lines.

  • Do not attempt to enter or leave a building during a quake.

  • Do not re-enter buildings until advised by an appropriate authority.

  • Try to notify Public Safety of serious hazards or injuries.

  • Tend to the injured and protect them from further injury or weather exposure.

  • Use phones only to get help (injury, fire).

Call 911 for emergencies.

For internal reporting and notification purposes, contact Public Safety 360-438-4555.

Due to the many people attempting to call others, it is expected that phone lines will be busy and may, in fact, be overwhelmed. Keep the frequency of calls to a minimum and as sort as possible.

In the event of an emergency delay or closure, every effort will be made to make a decision to close or delay day classes prior to 7:00 am. The decision to close evening classes will be made by 3:00 pm.
A message will be placed on the Lacey Campus phone number 360-486-8899 when school is closed or delayed.

Evacuation of a building

Unless you have a role specified in the SMU Emergency Response Plan, you should:

  • Evacuate your building when directed to do so. Close, but do not lock, all interior doors and windows, turning lights off behind you before leaving.

  • Move to the closest EXIT and proceed out the EXIT door or down the EXIT stairwell in a safe and orderly manner, keeping to the right. Do not use the elevators.

  • All SMU employees should assist students and visitors in a prompt and orderly evacuation to designated emergency assembly points (see the SMU Emergency Response Plan for designated emergency assembly points).

  • Bring any available first aid kit, keys, needed personal items, medication, eyeglasses, etc. with you to the emergency assembly point.

  • Once at the emergency assembly point, the Building Captains for that area will note in writing the names of all personnel and students.

  • Do not attempt to leave the campus until directed to do so. Trying to drive and/or walk long distances after a major disaster may prove to be dangerous given debris and other hazards.

  • No one will be permitted to re-enter a building until the 鈥淎ll Clear鈥 announcement has been given and the building has been approved for occupation by Public Safety personnel. Wait for the 鈥淎ll Clear鈥 announcement before returning to your building.

Evacuation of a campus or center

Unless you have a role specified in the SMU Emergency Response Plan, you should:

  • Evacuate your building when directed to do so. Close, but do not lock, all interior doors and windows, turning lights off behind you before leaving.

  • Move to the closest EXIT and proceed out the EXIT door or down the EXIT stairwell in a safe and orderly manner, keeping to the right. Do not use the elevators.

  • All SMU employees should assist students and visitors in a prompt and orderly evacuation.

  • Take keys, needed personal items, medication, eyeglasses, etc. with you.

  • If you have transportation, leave the campus. If not, proceed to designated emergency assembly points. Building Captains will provide further direction.

  • No one will be re-admitted to the campus until the university鈥檚 administration provides an 鈥淎ll Clear鈥 announcement.

Visit our Evacuation Procedures page for full details for each building.

All supervisory employees are expected to know the location of fire extinguishers, alarm pull stations, first aid kits, and emergency exits in their area. Supervisors are expected to provide this information to all employees they supervise.

In case of fire:

  • If possible, and safe to do so, close but do not lock the door to the room where the fire is located

  • If possible, and safe to do so, activate nearest alarm pull station

  • Call 911 immediately

  • Call Public Safety 360-438-4555

  • Fire extinguishers located inside or near rooms may be used at the discretion of an individual to control the fire. If an attempt is made to extinguish a fire, abandon the effort if one extinguisher fails to stop the fire.

  • Evacuate the area immediately (see evacuation procedures above)

If you hear an alarm:

  • Check your office/classroom door before opening it.

  • If the door has a window and you see smoke or flames, DO NOT LEAVE THE ROOM! Stuff coats, etc., in any opening and stay where you are.

  • If there is no visible smoke, flames, or if the door has no window, feel the door with the back of your hand, starting at the bottom and moving to the top.

  • If the door is cool, open it slowly, standing behind it, and bracing against it with your body. Stay low and leave the building by the nearest clear exit.

If you are trapped in a room:

  • Stay near the floor where the air will be less toxic.

  • If possible, signal your location through a window or an outside wall.

  • Do not break the window.

  • Shout at intervals to alert rescue crews of your location.

First Aid Kits / AEDs

The University鈥檚 first aid kits are meant to provide immediate, basic care to the sick and injured. Each kit contains protective gloves, band aids, bandages and gauze pads of various sizes, tape, ice packs, etc. In some areas such as labs or shops, the first aid kit components may be expanded to include items appropriate to that setting.
If you need access to a first aid kit, don鈥檛 hesitate to ask for it. If you use components from it, please identify what those items used are and report it to Public Safety at (360) 438-4555 so the first aid kit can be restocked.
Additionally, Automatic Electronic Defibrillators (AEDs) are located in most buildings on the 六合彩库 Campus. Please take time to familiarize yourself with AED locations in buildings you frequent on campus.

First aid kits are located in, but not limited to:

  • Front office of Parsons Hall and Spangler Hall

  • Front counter of Charneski Recreation Center, Zaveri Hall, Student Health Center, and Marcus Pavilion

Universal Precautions

All employees and students should take precautions to prevent injuries, especially those that may be caused by needle sticks, sharp blades, or other sharp instruments or devices. Anyone responding to help another person with a first aid situation that involves the presence of blood or body fluids shall, as a minimum, put on disposable non-latex/vinyl gloves if they are available. Additionally, blood or other body fluids should not come into contact with anyone else鈥檚 body or clothing.
Additional information regarding universal precautions and the SMU Blood Borne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan can be found on the SMU Public Safety webpage or by contacting the Office of Public Safety at 360-438-4555.

Any time a spill or leak of a hazardous material occurs; specific information is needed in order to properly respond to the spill or leak. A spill or leak is defined as an unexpected release of any hazardous material from a container.

If a spill or leak presents an imminent hazard (such as injuring people or posing a fire risk) call 911.


  • Exact location of spill, including room number if inside a building

  • Name of spilled material, if known

  • Quantity (the amount spilled our leaked)

  • Appearance

  • Injuries or physical effects to those who have been exposed

  • Area of contamination

All employees, students, and faculty are to evacuate the area immediately. Close all doors.
The spill area will be quarantined until the problem is corrected and safe conditions exist.

All spills or leaks must be reported to Public Safety 360-438-4555.

Suspected gas leaks and/or suspicious odors may indicate the presence of hazardous materials, and should be reported to Public Safety 360-438-4555.

A crisis on campus may require the college to implement emergency lockdown of a building or a campus. This action may be necessary in situations where evacuation would not be appropriate, such as the
immediate threat posed by an active shooter.

How to respond to a LOCKDOWN announcement:

  1. Get yourself and others into the closest room:

  • 鈥婣ll doors into the area should be locked or wedged shut. It may be necessary to barricade the doors with furnishings.

  • Close windows and shades.

  • Turn off lights.

  • Move to the furthermost point in the room, away from windows and doors.

  1. Take attendance in each room.

  2. Call Public Safety only if you have vital information: 360-438-4555

  3. Do not set off the fire alarm in a lockdown. If a fire alarm goes off while you are in a lockdown, assess the situation before leaving your shelter. If you smell smoke or see fire you need to exit; otherwise, stay put.

  4. Remain under lockdown until advised by recognizable officials.

How to respond to a MODIFIED LOCKDOWN announcement:

A modified lockdown takes similar precautions as a lockdown, but allows more movement within the building. A modified lockdown is typically used when an incident in the vicinity of the University may pose a threat, but the threat is not on campus. When an announcement is made to initiate a modified lockdown:

  1. All exterior doors are locked.

  2. Close windows and blinds.

  3. Business and classes continue as usual inside the building.

  4. No one from outside shall be let inside the building.

  5. No movement from building to building until the "All Clear" is received.

Concerned about a 六合彩库's student? Saints Care is a student support network bringing together campus partners鈥攆aculty, staff, families and students鈥攖o foster the success of each student in their navigation of campus life. Our team listens with the ear of the heart, responding to each student鈥檚 unique needs with compassion and respect.

Saints Care embodies the value of community living by facilitating a holistic approach to proactively address the academic, social-emotional, and cultural needs of all students.

Saints Care fulfills its mission by:

Establishing a single contact point (Saints Care) for campus community members to submit a report regarding a student.
Creating opportunities out of challenges.
Empowering students to support their peers.
Working hand in hand to equip our community to help students achieve success.

Submit a Saints Care Report


If someone is having a seizure:

  • Help them gently to the ground

  • Move objects they might strike away from them (like chairs or tables)

  • Call 911 - NO EXCEPTIONS!

  • Call Public Safety 360-438-4555

  • Follow emergency medical directions provided by the dispatcher


If someone is unconscious:

  • Call 911 - NO EXCEPTIONS!

  • Call Public Safety 360-438-4555

  • Follow emergency medical directions provided by dispatcher


Small cuts:

  • Clean the wound of debris

  • Apply an adhesive bandage

  • Recommend consulting a doctor

Large cuts/bleeding:

  • Call 911

  • Call Public Safety 360-438-4555

  • Using a clean cloth or bandage, apply direct pressure to the wound

  • Have the person lie down with legs elevated

  • When possible remember to utilize universal precautions (gloves, mask, etc.)

If there is an object still inside the wound (such as a stick, knife, or piece of glass), it should be left where it is and not moved.

Sometimes instead of hearing a lockdown message you might be asked to Shelter-in-Place.
During certain emergency situations it is safer to remain inside than to leave a building. Students and personnel may be asked to shelter in place wherever they are because there is some form of threat outside.
The threat may be from an environmental condition such as hazardous materials in the air.
Activating the Shelter-in-Place Procedure

  1. Doors should be closed.

  2. Close windows and shades.

  3. Seal off openings if possible.

  4. If there are fumes, cover your nose and mouth with clothing.

  5. Facilities may shut down the ventilation and HVAC systems during the emergency.

The goal is to limit the air movement where you are until you receive the "All Clear".

In progress:

  • Call 911

  • Call Public Safety 360-438-4555

  • Tell the authorities what is happening

  • Provide a description of the person(s) committing the crime

  • Give the direction of travel if the person starts to leave

  • If safe to do so, follow the person at a distance and continue to provide the dispatcher with updated information

If already completed:

  • Call Public Safety 360-438-4555

Theft Prevention

Most theft on university campuses is the result of desirable items not being properly secured. Basic prevention measures can greatly reduce the likelihood of theft, including:

  • Lock your office door, even if gone for a few minutes!

  • Do not leave valuables like laptop computers, backpacks, and purses in unsecured offices or classrooms, even for just a few minutes

  • Lock your vehicle at all times

  • Secure items in vehicles out of sight. When possible, lock them in the trunk or take them with you

  • Use quality bicycle locks that resist cutting from bolt cutters or wire cutters

  • Report suspicious activity

Individual preparedness

The SMU Emergency Response Plan provides procedures for the safe and orderly response to a variety of emergency situations. The specific response to an incident will be selected by university or emergency authorities and communicated via the SMU Emergency Notification System.
In some incidents, personnel may be required to follow procedures for one of the following three basic emergency responses:

  1. Evacuation of a Building, Campus, or Center

  2. Lockdown/Modified Lockdown

  3. Shelter in Place

In general, employees who do not have specific assignments within the Emergency Response Plan should:

  • In the event of an evacuation, assist in directing visitors and students to the designated assembly point outside your building. If you are the last to leave a room, turn off the lights and close the door. Assist physically disabled employees, students, or visitors, to the extent possible as personal safety, time and capabilities permit.

  • In the event of a need to 鈥淪helter in Place鈥 or 鈥淟ockdown鈥, remain in your classroom or work area with students or colleagues until instructed to move by Public Safety or other emergency personnel. Close all windows and stay away from windows. If instructed to do so, move to a safer location, i.e., an interior room or a lower floor.

  • Note the names of all those present in the room with you. Write down the names and assign someone to keep the list on their person and make it available to emergency responders if asked.

  • Try to maintain calm and order until 鈥渁ll clear鈥 or other instructions have been given by Public Safety or other emergency personnel.

Students should follow the instructions of Public Safety, faculty, designated staff, fire or police or other emergency response personnel.
In some incidents, students may be directed to follow procedures for one of the following three basic emergency responses:

  1. Evacuation of a Building, Campus, or Center

  2. Lockdown/Modified Lockdown

  3. Shelter in Place

  • If an evacuation is called for, follow instructions to the appropriate assembly point. Do not re-enter the building or attempt to leave campus until instructed to do so by Public Safety or other emergency personnel. Do not use your cell phone unless you are in an extreme emergency situation.

  • In the event of a need to Shelter in Place or Lockdown, remain in your classroom or current location until instructed to leave by Public Safety or emergency personnel, Try to remain calm. Remain in
    place until 鈥淎LL CLEAR鈥 or other instructions have been given by university or police/fire leadership.

  • If other procedures are put in place, you will be instructed to take appropriate steps. Safety will be the first priority of college and emergency personnel. Follow instructions in a prompt and calm manner. If you know of people with injuries or of the existence of hazards in the area, report them to appropriate law enforcement/fire/EMS or Public Safety.

Familiarize yourself with the University's emergency procedures. Also,  for specific information pertaining to individual situations please visit the ,  or .

Explore Emergency preparedness