Reporting suicidal behavior

Protocols for reporting suicidal behavior

Know the warning signs

Any individual who is aware of, or witnesses suicidal behavior, or who has reason to suspect suicidal behavior is occurring should seek consultation with trained professionals.  Suicidal behaviors usually are influenced by one or several warning signs.

  • Hopelessness

  • Preoccupation with death or suicide

  • Giving away prize possessions

  • Loss of interest in activities/work/school

  • Loss of interest in personal appearances

  • Previous suicide attempts 鈥 this is not something that can be easily accessed

  • Rage, uncontrolled anger, or seeking revenge

  • Acting reckless or engaging in risky activities, seemingly without thinking

  • Feeling trapped 鈥 like there's no way out

  • Increased alcohol or drug use

  • Withdrawing from friends, family, and society

  • Anxiety, agitation, unable to sleep or sleeping all the time

  • Expressing no reason for living or no sense of purpose in life

Point: since one item is not an outright indicator, it has to be clear when seeing any single indicator 鈥 or any combination 鈥 of these indicators, one needs to consult professionals

Where to get help or consultation

Call 911鈥 if the person is unconscious or is bleeding from a wound.

During business offices hours 鈥 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. consult the following resources on campus:

  1. Counseling and Wellness Center:

    1. 360鈥438鈥4371 Mon鈥怓ri or

    2. 360鈥438鈥4513 Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

  2. Dean of Student Affairs:

    1. 360鈥438鈥4367 or 4367 from any campus phone

  3. Office of Public Safety:

    1. 360鈥438鈥4555 or 4555 from any campus phone

Consult the following resources after hours and weekends:

  1. If a student seems to be in immediate risk and refuses help, do not leave them alone.

    1. Call 911 for help and remain with the person until help arrives

  2. Thurston County Crisis Resolution Service: A designated mental health professional can be requested for consultation of suicide threat, risk and safety assessment:

    1. 360鈥754鈥1338

  3. If the student is in a residence hall contact residential hall on鈥恈all RA

    1. 360鈥507鈥2511 or 360鈥507鈥2512

  4. SMU public safety

    1. 360鈥438鈥4555 or 4555 from any campus phone

  5. Crisis Clinic, Thurston County 24 hour Hotline

    1. 360鈥586鈥2800

  6. Or if you feel you would like resources for yourself or someone else, you can visit The Crisis Clinic Resource Network at