Iulieta Alesana '25

Humans of ϲʿ's: Iulieta Alesana '25

Photo of Iulieta Alesana '25

It is important to realize that, as you are trying to teach your younger siblings and cousins, you are in the process of learning too, and that is something to be proud of.  

Iulieta Alesana '25
Nursing Major

In the Samoan culture, being the eldest granddaughter usually comes with many responsibilities and expectations. As the eldest granddaughter in my family, I feel like one of my main responsibilities is to be a good role model for my younger siblings and cousins. A couple ways in which I do this include caring for our family members, especially our parents and grandparents, doing chores, and taking an active part in our family gatherings and traditions.  

I feel like another one of my main responsibilities as the eldest granddaughter and role model is to change old patterns of behavior within our family. When I was in high school, I made it a goal to graduate as valedictorian or cum laude. In doing so, I wanted to instill in my siblings and cousins that education is important, and that it can be a way off the island to pursue more opportunities. I was successful in my goal, as I graduated from Waianae High School in 2021 as cum laude. After completing high school, I made the decision to go to college, making me a first-generation college student. By making this decision, I am able to show my younger siblings and cousins that choosing to go to college is one way that we are able to step out of the comfort zone that our family created for us and pave our own paths. It makes me happy to know that, if and when the time comes that my siblings and cousins decide to go to college, I can guide them with my own experience.  

I think most of the eldest children in Samoan families, and perhaps all families, share in this struggle of having to be a role model and changing certain patterns of behavior within our families. My message to the eldest children who feel this pressure is that it is okay to make mistakes, especially because you are probably the first person in your family to make these significant changes and take on these new challenges. It is important to realize that, as you are trying to teach your younger siblings and cousins, you are in the process of learning too, and that is something to be proud of.  



The ϲʿ’s nursing program is dedicated to educating nurses to care for diverse populations in the ever complex care environment.

  • Main (Lacey)
Type of Instruction
  • In Person
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing